What is Menter Môn? 

Menter Môn is a not-for-profit social enterprise that delivers a range of schemes throughout Wales, with a primary focus on Ynys Môn and Gwynedd. We have a Board of Directors who give their time voluntarily in order to provide strategic direction for the company.

Over the years, Menter Môn’s work has evolved to take a number of different directions. But the same goal is at the heart of all activities:

Unlocking the potential of our people and resources to secure the future of our communities.

We Identify, create, and implement opportunities to:

  • Support and nurture people
  • Strengthen our economy
  • Enhance the environment
  • Enliven our culture.

Menter Môn adds value to the area’s resources for the benefit of local residents. These include work in the areas of:

  • Renewable Energy
  • Thriving Economy
  • Vibrant Communities

We have split our activity into three primary areas:

Creating vibrant communities

Helping communities prosper is the foundation on which Menter Môn has been built. We support vibrant communities, where the Welsh language thrives, where there is a healthy environment, and where talented young people are employed in high quality jobs. We enable communities to come together to overcome the challenges they face and be more enterprising as they shape their communities for the future.

Generating renewable energy

Our renewable energy projects compliments Menter Môn’s conservation and environmental work and protects the planet through tackling climate change. As well as generating clean energy, we are also focused on boosting the local and regional economy, providing opportunities for young people and securing benefits for communities. Menter Môn has identified great potential for renewable energy on Ynys Môn and are responsible for pioneering green energy projects including Morlais and Holyhead Hydrogen Hub.

Strengthening the economy

Innovation is central to all that we do at Menter Môn. We offer advice, support, and inspiration to people who are starting out on their business journey. We are a Business Wales delivery partner and have our own Hwb Menter to support entrepreneurship and provide the right tools for businesses to achieve their goals. We are active in growth areas within the economy such as digital technology, renewable energy, food, and agriculture, and engage with regional networks to develop and strengthen our communities and deliver success.

The company does not receive any core funding and must either apply for funding or compete for work.

The number of staff varies as a result of the nature of funding programmes. The company currently employs over 80 in our offices in Llangefni, Gaerwen and Porthmadog as well as staff members who work remotely throughout Wales.

Did you know?

Have you noticed the colourful little bird in Menter Môn’s logo? What’s the significance and what does it have to do with Menter Môn? The bird is a Goldfinch (“Y Nico” in Welsh) and is inspired by a poem by the war poet, Cynan. The poem reflects the poet’s longing for the countryside and for the people back home. Like the ‘Nico’, Menter Môn spreads the message that there is nowhere like our habitat. It is our responsibility to make sure that our areas are protected and developed to be at their best and ready to face the challenges of the future.

Anfon y Nico

Nico annwyl ei di drostai
Ar neges bach i Gymru lân ?
Ei di o wlad y clwy’ a’r clefyd
I ardaloedd hedd a chân ?
Ydi mae’r hen Strwma’n odaeth
Dan y lleuad ganol nos,
Ond anghofiat tithau’r cwbwl
‘Daet ti’n gweld y Fenai dlos.

Sut yr wt-ti’n yn mynd i ‘nabod
Cymru, pan gyrhaeddi ‘ngwlad ?
Hed nes doi i wlad o frynia
Sydd ar môr yn cuddio’u trad ;
Lle mae’r haf yn aros hira,
Lle mae’r awal iach mor ffri,
Lle mae’r môr ar nefoedd lasa,
Gwlad y galon – dyna hi.

Chwilia Gymru am yr ardal
Lle mae’r gog gynhara’i thôn
Os cei di yno groeso calon,
Paid ag ofni – dyna Fôn:
Hêd i’r gogladd dros Frynsiencyn,
Paid ag oedi wrth y Tŵr
A phan weli di Lyn Traffwll,
Gna dy nyth yng ngardd Glan Dŵr.

Gardd o floda ydi honno,
Gardd o floda teca’r byd,
Ond mi weli yno rywun
Sy’n glysach na’r rhosynna i gyd.
Cân fy ngofid, cân i Megan,
Cân dy ora iddi hi;
Cân nes teimla hitha’r hirath
Sydd yn llosgi ‘nghalon i.

Dywad wrth fy nghefnder hefyd
Y rhown i’r byd am hanner awr
O bysgota yn y Traffwll,
Draw o sŵn y gynna’ mawr :
Dywed wrtho ‘mod i’n cofio
Rhwyfo’r llyn a’r sêr uwchben ;
Megan efo mi, a fonta
Efo’r ferch o’r Allwadd Wen.

Wedi ‘nabod Wil a Megan,
Dei di byth i ffwr’ , dwi’n siŵr;
Pwy ddoi’n ôl i Facedonia
Wedi gwelad gardd Glan Dŵr ?


Find out more about what we do...

01248 725 700

Menter Môn Cyf, Neuadd Y Dref Llangefni, Sgwar Bulkeley, Llangefni, Ynys Môn LL77 7LR

Menter Môn Cyf, 144 Stryd Fawr, Porthmadog, Gwynedd LL49 9NU

Company Number: 3160233