Ynys Mon has high renewable energy potential. As an alternative to connecting to an electricity grid which may be constrained, primary renewable energy can be used to produce hydrogen via electrolysis. This 'green hydrogen' can therefore release the full potential of renewables. Hydrogen is increasingly recognised as being able to provide a unique role in the transition towards a decarbonised economy across all sectors; and in reducing air pollution. This could translate into thousands of jobs in Wales, with potentially a high concentration on Ynys Mon.
What is the Holyhead Hydrogen Hub?
Work on the Holyhead Hydrogen Hub started in 2019 with a feasibility study which explored the opportunites to produce and use hydrogen on Ynys Môn. This identified Holyhead as an excellent site for a production facility as it’s a busy transport hub with proximity to renewable energy sources.
The aim is to work with a range of public and private bodies to build the hub and deliver the following:
- Kick-start the green hydrogen supply-chain for local economic development opportunities.
- Provide a platform for scale-up opportunities in producing green hydrogen from the large available offshore renew/able energy resource.
- Meet regional transport demands and supply green hydrogen to the power, heat, agriculture, and industrial sectors.
- Establish partnerships with leading Welsh, UK, and international organisations in the hydrogen sector.
- Secure local ownership of the resource to retain benefit in the local economy.
Project Partners
The success of the project will require close collaboration with a range of stakeholders. Our primary partners in the project are Ynys Môn County Council, the North Wales Economic Ambition Board, the Welsh Government, and the UK Government.
We are also working closely partners that can support skills and training, including Grwp Llandrillo Menai and Bangor University; as well as companies such Stena and Delsol to develop a market for the Hydrogen.
Work to date
Following a series of small studies, funding was secured via the Welsh Goverment to complete detailed technical appraisal of the project. A copy of the executive
summary is available on this site. In March 2021, the UK Govemment announced that they had allocated £4.8 million to support the development of the Holyhead Hydrogen Hub.
The current activities include the following:
- Secure planning permission for the Holyhead Hydrogen Hub ar Parc Cybi
- Complete an Outline Business Case to support the case for funding
- Secure grid connection for the Holyhead Hydrogen Hub
- Undertake a skills and training audit to coincide with the development
- Develop a local ownership model which maximises local benefit.
For further information
For further information on the Holyhead Hydrogen Hub contact hydrogen@mentermon.com